The Neighborhood (rain or shine) · · PAGE 6.
February 14, 2014: The neighborhood is
beautiful to see with its majestic oak trees and Spanish Moss blowing in the breeze.
This end of the street is covered with them.
My old Cadillac sits in the shade most of the day when it is parked in the
street that used to go to maintenance shed on the abandoned golf course. Our
driveway connects to this short side street, not the street in front of the house.
June 14, 2014: Here is a view looking east on our
street. The mail box has doors on the front and rear, but the vertical post blocks
access to that rear door. You can see I have to step into the street to collect the
mail. This photo was taken on a day that had rain showers. The grass is also
greener than it was last September when we first came here.
All I need to do is remove the mail box and cut off the vertical post above the
cross arm and the back door will open.
The hurricane season in Florida begins in June and my thoughts have turned to
the possibilities of damage to the house. All the windows to the rooms have metal
accordion shutters than can be closed and locked in the event a major storm or hurricane
comes this way. Here is the outside view of the sliding doors on the north side of
the Florida Room. There is nothing here to protect the glass doors from the flying
objects that are part of every hurricane making landfall. I built a house in 1993
down at Palm City, Florida north of West Palm Beach. It had clear Lexan corrugated
panels that could be installed when a hurricane threatened the area. The house was
build to updated standards after Hurricane Andrew hit Miami in 1992. The winds were
blowing at 59 MPH that night where I was living in Palm Beach Gardens on the north side of
WPB. There were a couple of hurricanes that hit that house in Palm City a few years
ago. I drove by there to see if it was damaged. I sold the house in 2001, but
I still wanted to see how it looked. Not a single shingle was missing due to the
building code in effect when it was built. That house had multiple sliding glass
doors opening on to the swimming pool deck and all of them were protected by the Lexan
shutters when those hurricanes passed directly over the house.
Here is view looking at the other doors near the guest room which is behind the
gas grill. That light on the wall is switched on from inside the guest bathroom.
The gutter on the old part of the roof was cut off when the Florida room was built.
The soffit and facia were both modified to fill the gap under the roof over the
Florida Room. That area will need to be modfiied again if storm shutters are fitted
to protect the sliding glass doors.
This view shows the gas grill better and a better view of the accodion shutters
on that window.
The west side of the house has only one set of windows in the master bedroom.
You can see the accordion shutters behind the shrubbery that I ended up trimming
the day after I took this photo.
This view of the west end of the Florida Room shows how leaves have been blown
into the area between the windows and those blocks behind the plants growing here.
That tall one is rooted in between two of the blocks and I removed it the same day I
trimmed the tall shrubs seen in the photo above. The leaf blower cleared all that
stuff out that that could not be shoveled out and put in the yard waste trash can.
We get visits from three different garbage trucks on Tuesdays. The first one to come
by on Tuesday morning is collecting yard waste. That truck is a "normal"
garbage truck with two guys loading the back of the truck by hand. The other two
trucks are automated side loaders for the recycled and other garbage from two different
colored trash cans provided by the city.
The other thing to notice in that photo above is the one vertical blind that is
not at the same angle as all the others. I took this photo of the vertical blinds on
the west end of the Florida room from the inside and it really shows the odd angle of that
one shade. I went by Lowe's to show them this photo with my problem. They sent
out the guy who originally installed the blinds to correct the problem. I had
already tried to fix it myself the same way I keep the ones inside the house working
correctly. The older ones inside turn easily, whereas these new ones are very stiff
to turn and I did not want to risk breaking the new blinds.
June 17, 2014: I sawed off he upper post and
cleared the mail box rear door for easy mail access without stepping into the street.
I fashioned a handle from plastic-coated aluminum clothes line wire that is holding
the door up above the cross post. I had to completely disassemble the box to remove
it before the skill saw could do its job.
July 4, 2014: The fireworks in the sky came from
THUNDER STORMS and not local Independence Day celebrations. The water on the patio
was lapping up against the metal frames for the sliding glass doors to the Florida Room.
The water did not get into the room itself.
The tile in the Florida Room is dry with just some seepage of water coming past
the door, but not enough to overflow the track as seen below.
This is the last sliding door at the northwest corner of the room. The
water coming from the downspout was a trickle, not a flood. That told me the gutters
need to be cleaned again.
I opened the door since there is a large overhang above to take this photo
showing how deep the water is in this area as it flows away from the house at the top of
the photo. I have since cleared some of the plants and the decaying leaves from this
area to improve drainage. The camera flash has stopped the rain drops and splashes
on the concrete walkway and the paver stones.
I grabbed my umbrella and went to mail box since the rain was quickly filling
the street. The time stamp on this photo is 3:55 PM on July 4. I was using my
flash to illuminate the mail box not thinking it would "stop" rain drops falling
in the near field of the camera. I also realized the wire handle on the back door of
the mail box needed to be bent downward to keep water from running inside the box.
There is a large storm drain up at the side street. The drain pipe is huge under the
street and empties into the Tillman Canal behind the house in the upper right corner of
the photo. That is a major drainage canal that stretches for about 12 miles from
west of here near the headwaters of the Saint Johns River to the Indian River which is
between the mainland and the barrier islands on Florida's east coast with the Atlantic
The date at the top of the page is February 14th (Valentine's Day) and July 4 (Independence Day) for the bottom half of the page. This one page shows the dry season up there and heavy rains down here.