The Big Tree Removal · · PAGE 18.

August 25, 2014: The time now is 5:55 PM as I move my camera to the northwest corner of the Florida room.  I am again looking up at a high angle with the camera.
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Here is a wide angle shot showing the remaining top of the tree growing from the northbound trunk.  My camera is looking west as well as almost straight up.
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One more limb starts the trip down on the rope.
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The ground crew starts to clear the area.
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I moved south to get this photo.  That rope you see goes down to a couple of guys in our back yard.  They will insure this limb falls in the right spot.   The animated photos show how much the wind is blowing at the tops of the trees.
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The top of the tree fell next to the two palm trees and in the center of the big philodendrons.   The guys had it cut up and got it out of there in short order.  This photo was taken at 6:12 PM.
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Here is how the same area looked after the clean up was completed.  At the end of the job, they even removed the fallen trunk of the philodendron.
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And here are the remaining logs that were cut from the northbound tree trunk, and the remainder of the main trunk to be cut down tomorrow.  The crew went home after the last log went down.  Chris hooked the lift trailer to his pickup truck and returned it to the rental facility.  Several of these logs hit the ground on one end first.   One of them punched down about 7 inches into the black soil under the sod.  The result was a cut in the underground TV cable to our house.  I took this photo at 7:24 PM after the crew was gone and I had connected some of my RG-6 cables together to restore CATV service and internet to the house.
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This is the business I have been doing since 1971.  Simple stuff for me to run a temporary cable on top of the ground made from multiple cables from my surplus that has one cable that is 40 years old.
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My 40-year old cable gets a barrel splice to a newer cable at the side of the palm tree.
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The white cable gets connected to the end of the piece shown in the photo above.  The black cable makes the final link to the cable box on the side of the house.  Some of the roots from the tree trunk are visible in the bottom right corner of this photo.  This photo shows the real distance between the tree and the bushes. before the sawdust mulch was spread wide to hide the post grind height of the remaining stump under the mulch.
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The temporary connection is completed at the side of the house to restore television and internet service.
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I went back to the cable TV amplifier and tap to put the pedestal back in position.  It keeps out varmints.  The cable guy will be here tomorrow to put in a new cable on top of the ground to replace my cables.  A few days from now, an installer will show up to bury the cable with a special shovel to create a "slit trench" that will allow the cable to be put about four to six inches under the sod.
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This is the last photo I took today to show one of the "divots" dug when that log hit the ground.  It is now 7:31 PM and I get to go inside and work on this project and watch some TV.   Goodnight!
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