July 2, 2020: This section of my web site is about my life partner and her home.  I have contributed my time to improve this home in little ways since February 2019.

PAGE 001   The house gets a new roof in February 2019 and a special visitor on August 17, 2019.
PAGE 002   DAY ONE removal of aquatic weeds begins on the lake behind the house, April 20, 2020 on PAGE 2.
PAGE 003   DAY TWO removal of aquatic weeds continues April 21, 2020 on PAGE 3.
PAGE 004   DAY TWO removal of aquatic weeds continues April 21, 2020 on PAGE 4.
PAGE 005   DAY TWO and part of DAY THREE removal of aquatic weeds continues April 21-22, 2020 on PAGE 5.
PAGE 006   DAY THREE removal of aquatic weeds continues April 22, 2020 on PAGE 6.
PAGE 007   DAY THREE removal of aquatic weeds continues April 22, 2020 on PAGE 7.
PAGE 008   DAY FOUR removal of aquatic weeds continues April 23, 2020 on PAGE 8.
PAGE 009   DAY FIVE rained out!  DAY SIX removal of aquatic weeds continues April 26, 2020 on PAGE 9.
PAGE 010   DAY SIX removal of aquatic weeds continues April 27, 2020 on PAGE 10. Aquatic Weeds Observation begins May 30-31, 2020
PAGE 011   Aquatic Weeds observations on PAGE 11.
PAGE 012   Replacing the Water Well Pump for the house on PAGE 12.
PAGE 013   Rainy season, water levels high in the lake and Aquatic Weed maintenance. 
PAGE 014   A New Dock for 1358
PAGE 015   Finishing up the dock with Flood Lights and an AC power outlet on the platform.
PAGE 016   New dock finishing touches & Aquatic Weeds visit
PAGE 017   New dock finishing touches.
PAGE 018   The tree by the lake is falling down and removed.
PAGE 019   The tree by the lake removal.
PAGE 020   The tree by the lake removal.
PAGE 021   The tree by the lake removal.
PAGE 022   The tree by the lake removal.
PAGE 023   When it rains, we get minor flooding in the front yard swale.
PAGE 024   The Lake is Rising after recent rainfall -- Aquatic Weeds boat returns.
PAGE 025   New driveway next door at 1362 Emerald Drive and resulting flooding when it rains.

A new web page is lifted from my main web site and placed in this section as it is about my life as it changed in the spring of 2019.  CLICK HERE for Linda Page ONE.

The main part of this web site is about building an airplane in my garage from November 2002 until May 2005. I have been flying that airplane since June 2005 and there are many web pages about those adventures in that airplane.  There are also pages about my travels as part of my day job over the years of the existence of this web site:  www.n2prise.org.  You can also get to the web site using www.n2prise.com.  I get email via email1.gif (2101 bytes).