Flying with Jerrie Mock in 1964 · · MENU PAGE.
February 22, 2015: This project with Jerrie Mock has grown to show the things that were NOT in her book by using access to modern online resources. These pages are not about my flights with the "Enterprise" but honoring the first woman to fly a single-engine airplane around the world in 1964. More pages will be added as I find more material for this section.
May 25, 2015: The additional information about Jerrie Mock is the creation of a GPS file for simulated flight using Google Earth. The first of these files is for the Departure from Columbus, Ohio and the non-stop flight to Bermuda using her original route. You can find the file on the Google Earth Touring / GPS Log Files page.
August 9, 2015: I have been creating more Google Earth Tour flights for Jerrie's trip around the world. I have created some extra files for use with Google Earth for the night landings at Cairo, Manila, Guam, Wake Island, Tucson, Bowling Green, and back at Columbus. When all those files are completed, I will upload them with instructions on how to install them for use on Google Earth. Runway outlines, numbers, and runway end lights are in the package. If you do not activate the SUN option in Google Earth, the extra "scenery" at the airports is not needed. Activating the "SUN" option will produce sun rise and sunset conditions, plus star constellations visible on the overnight flights. I have three more flights to create GPS files beginning with the flight from Tucson to El Paso, Texas. Her final flights are from El Paso to Bowling Green, Kentucky for a precautionary fuel stop, then the last leg home to Columbus, Ohio for a night landing and a homecoming reception.
September 16, 2015: All the scenery files
are uploaded for airports where Jerrie had night operations. Version NINE of the GPS
files is also uploaded and the this project is essentially completed. If any of you
out there have any questions or any information about Jerrie's flight that is NOT in her
book, I would love to hear from you via email:
July 3, 2016: The Jerrie Mock story has new pages below related to the opening of The Works Museum exhibit in her honor that opened on June 18, 2016 in Newark, Ohio.
July 31, 2016: The FINAL version of the
Jerrie Mock Google Earth "scenery" has been uploaded. If you
recently downloaded the scenery file with a date of July 30, 2016 -- Replace it
with THIS KMZ FILE placed on this web
site tonight, July 31, 2016. I spent all day today checking all the flight
segments to confirm the push-pin notes along the route are free of typo errors
and put in a few "missing" words to fix everything. I have added
a few notes at the end of the flight when she returns to Port Columbus Airport
at the end of her journey. Please let me know if you find any errors as
you make the flight with Jerrie around the world.
October 31, 2016: I received an email from
someone who found these pages on Jerrie Mock. Here is the content of the
first email:
"I just stumbled across your
site, and the simulated flight and pages you did to go along with Jerrie
Mock’s book…what a fantastic job you did. I just bought her book on Amazon.
It will take me a few days to read that and absorb all the work you did. After
that I would like to chat with you a bit about the process you used."
Anyone else out there that wants to share your experience from this
web site, please send me an email using .
PAGE 1 | Flying with Jerrie Mock in 1964 (Details about the book, and how Google Earth flights have added to this section) |
PAGE 2 | Preparations, Flying from Columbus, Ohio to Bermuda (Google Earth Flight) |
PAGE 3 | Bermuda to Santa Maria (Azores) to Casablanca, Morocco (Google Earth Flights) |
PAGE 4 | Casablanca to Bone, Algeria (Avoiding bad weather) (TWO Google Earth Flights) |
PAGE 5 | Bone, Algeria to Tripoli, Libya (Google Earth Flight) |
PAGE 6 | Tripoli, Libya to Cairo, Egypt (Google Earth Flight) |
PAGE 7 | Cairo, Egypt to Dhahran, Saudi Arabia (Google Earth Flight) |
PAGE 8 | Dhahran, Saudi Arabia to Karachi, Pakistan (Google Earth Flight) ![]() |
PAGE 9 | Karachi, Pakistan to New Delhi, India (Google Earth Flight) ![]() |
PAGE 10 | New Delhi, India to Calcutta, India (Google Earth Flight) |
PAGE 11 | Calcutta, India to Bangkok, Thailand (Google Earth Flight) |
PAGE 12 | Bangkok, Thailand to Manila, Philippines and Guam (Google Earth Flight) |
PAGE 13 | Guam to Wake Island (Google Earth Flight) |
PAGE 14 | Wake Island to Hawaii and to Oakland, California (Google Earth Flight) |
PAGE 15 | Flights in the USA and HOME to Columbus, Ohio (ALL Google Earth USA Flights Completed!) ![]() |
PAGE 16 | My road trip to Jerrie Mock's Home Town - Newark, Ohio NEW July 19, 2015 |
PAGE 17 | The NIGHT SCENERY files for Cairo, Manila, Guam, Wake Island, Tucson, Bowling Green, and Columbus arrival. |
PAGE 18 | Travel to Jerrie Mock home town of Newark, Ohio on June 17, 2016 |
PAGE 19 | Jerrie Mock exhibit opens at The Works Museum in her home town of Newark, Ohio on June 18, 2016. |
PAGE 20 | Jerrie Mock Google Earth flight presentation and exhibit photos. |
PAGE 21 | Jerrie Mock luncheon at The Works and Saturday night dinner with friends. |