PREPARATIONS for RV-9A Construction - Page 1
(The photos on this page were shot with a Miranda Sensorex II 35mm single-lens reflex camera. The photos were then scanned on an HP Office Jet G85 combo scanner/FAX/inkjet printer unit. Final edit of photos on October 22, 2007 to remove scanning error artifacts.)
October 25, 2002: Here is the status of affairs on the RV-9A project. The tools from Cleaveland Aircraft Tools have arrived and been inventoried, cleaned, connected, etc. I have built the two main work tables and finished the small table to hold the C-Frame bench riveting tool (dimple die work station). I covered it with a 3' x 4' blue carpeted door mat. That should protect the aluminum sheets from any unwanted scratches and dings.
The empennage kit from Van's is on a UPS truck now in route from the Chicago area to Nashville and then to Chattanooga. Both boxes are scheduled for delivery on Monday, October 28th. Christmas is coming early this year.
I talked to the FAA in OKC and find that the N-number I want is reserved only because the previous aircraft was destroyed. It comes off HOLD about the time I will be ready to fly. It will be one of those "last-minute" assignments.
This is the location of the shop - my oversized, one-car garage in this duplex
town house that serves as my abode.
The big work table is 3'x6' and on casters for mobility. The air compressor is
hiding in the corner next to the radial arm saw, which
has been getting a good workout these past few days. I have had the saw since the
This is the work bench for the drill press and the bench grinder with Scotch
Brite wheel now attached. I have since hung a
thermometer on the wall to be aware of the ambient temp when the time comes to work on the
canopy, but that is a LONG way off.
These pix just show the sides of the garage. Currently, I can still get the car in there and open the doors on both sides with no squeeze plays. Of course, with the car outside, the entire garage is available for aircraft construction. That is exactly what will happen when it is time for the wing kit and fuselage. For now, I can work just on the big table in the corner with no problems.
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