The Big Tree Removal · · PAGE 17.

August 25, 2014: The time now is 5:07 PM as Ed has to put on his climbing spikes and his safety harness as it is time to do work that is above the reach of the lift.
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He climbs higher while trimming off smaller limbs and branches to make his climb safer.  This telephoto shot allows the camera to change the exposure to reveal more details of his position.
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This wider shot of his location is again adjusting the exposure for the sky in the background.  He is attaching the rope to the limb on his left for the next cut.
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Here is the wide-angle "big picture" of what is happening.
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This long limb from the upper canopy is lowered to the ground to be cut up for disposal.
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You can see how much remains of the previous limb to serve as a work platform.   The yellow outline shows where the limb was located and pointed to the west over the back of the house next door.  Those spikes on his feet give him a stable stance in the tree.
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The chain saw is ready for the next limb to be cut.  The rope is rigged to the limb for lowering it after the cut.  His safety belt is secured to the main trunk allowing him to use the chain saw safely.
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The tree limb falls down on the lift and has to be kicked over to one side to be lowered by the rope.
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I moved my camera location to the north side of the tree to take the next series of photos.  That limb in the photo above is now on the ground.
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The next limb to be cut is a big one that goes out to the north of the tree trunk.  My view is looking up at a high angle and toward the south.
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The remnants from the previous limb are being removed before the next limb is cut from above.
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The first cut is made and a cracking sound is heard from the limb.
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It takes a second cut to free the big limb.  Ed stands on the platform to make the final cut that sends the big limb down.  This is another animated sequence of three photos.  The first two are displayed for 1 second each.   The last of the three photos is displayed for 3 seconds to show the rope that is tied to it for lowering.  The north end of this long limb was caught in the next tree and caused the fat end of the limb to come down first as seen the third frame displayed for 3 seconds.
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When the limb is clear of the other trees, the whole thing is lowered in steps to allow the ground crew to start cutting off smaller branches and limbs.
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The length of the big limb had to be reduced before it could be laid down flat as you see it in the two photos below.
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